Screensavers For Windows 10 That Works Like Mac Os X Photo Slider Screensaver

Dec 25, 2017  How to Add Screensaver via Screen Saver Folder on Mac. This method works for the files having the extension of, “.qtz.” Step #1. Press Command+Shift+G and type /Library/Screen Savers/ Step #2. Drag the downloaded screen saver file in the “Screen Savers” folder. (side note: you can drag.saver files into the folder and they’ll work too) Step #3.

If you're having an issue we apologize and are happy to help you solve it. This page include common questions and issues with the app. If you have any questions at all please contact us at

macOS Catalina Compatibility

Magic Window is fully compatible with macOS Catalina.
An updated system screen saver plug-in is now available which is notarized for Catalina.
Additional installation steps are required for the plug-in to access your downloaded scenes.
Please visit the Screen Saver Plug-in page for more information.

We always strive to have our software compatible with current Apple releases. All Magic Window products have been fully tested for compatibility with macOS Catalina and continue to support macOS Mojave, macOS High Sierra, macOS Sierra, macOS El Capitan, and macOS Yosemite.

You can update to the latest versions (2.1) through the Mac App Store. Select the 'Updates' tab, find Magic Window in the list, and click Update. If you have any problems on a new operating system release or update please contact us at

Performance, High CPU, and Transparency

Mac OS/X Yosemite added transparency and vibrance to the look of the Mac desktop. While beautiful, this can reduce performance and cause some inconsistencies when using Magic Window. We generally recommend that Magic Window fans disable the Transparency option as described below.

(1) Menu bar transparency - in Yosemite the menu bar transparency sees through to the desktop wallpaper. Unfortunately this is not something we can avoid, however it can be worked around. Enable the 'Hide System Wallpaper with Black Color' option in Magic Window preferences to cover up this problem.

(2) WindowServer CPU usage - the beautiful new transparent UI throughout Yosemite requires the operating system to constantly generate a transparent view of the desktop. Doing this causes a reasonable increase in CPU usage that may be noticeable on your Mac. Unfortunately the only way to completely eliminate this CPU usage is by disabling the transparency feature. To do this open System Preferences, select Accessibility, and check 'Reduce transparency.' This will return CPU usage to OS/X 10.9 levels.

Can I move the scene files to a secondary drive?

Magic Window and Magic Window 4K offer nearly 20GB of scenes for download. If you download them all this can take up a lot of disk space. One way to manage the size of the downloads is by deleting scenes you don't want in the Scene Browser. If you have multiple hard drives you can also move the scene files to another drive to free up space on your main disk.

This is a slightly technical process that requires using Terminal to create symbolic links. Here is a video tutorial that shows the basics of how to do this. I recommend you watch this first if you've never created a symbolic link before.

To move the files:

  1. Quit Magic Window

  2. Open the folder ~/Library/Containers/

    • To open this folder open Finder, open the 'Go' menu, and select 'Go to folder.' then enter the path '~/Library/Containers/' In this path '~' is your home directory (such as /Users/YourName) - not the root Library folder.

3. Move the app container folder from ~/Library/Containers/ to the destination of your choice (Such as a folder on an external drive). The easiest way to do this is drag-and-drop in finder.

  • Magic Window app container folder is 'com.jetson.magicwindowmac'

  • Magic Window 4K app container folder is 'com.jetson.magicwindow4k'


4. Open the Terminal app and create a symbolic link from the Containers folder to the new location. To do this from the command line will look something like this:

Magic Window:

ln -s /Volumes/ExternalDisk/com.jetson.magicwindowmac/ ~/Library/Containers/com.jetson.magicwindowmac

Magic Window 4K:

ln -s /Volumes/ExternalDisk/com.jetson.magicwindow4k/ ~/Library/Containers/com.jetson.magicwindow4k

You must replace 'ExternalDisk' with the name of the volume you moved the files to.
Once this is done you can re-open Magic Window and it should work as normal. If you have questions you can contact us at

In the above image the Magic Window Mac container has been moved to the 'zerobig' drive and symbolically linked. The Magic Window 4K container folder remains on the main drive. To move the Magic Window 4K folder in this example, you would drag and drop it from Containers to the external drive, and then run the symbolic link command described above.

Using Magic Window Mac Apps Together

All Magic Window apps on Mac function independently and they can only be run one at a time. We apologize for this it is the result of App Store policies. If you purchased one app such as Tahoe Blue and then purchase the complete Magic Window, you will need to quit the first app before running the second.

If you clicked 'More Views' in one app and then purchased Magic Window, you will need to quit the initial app and then launch Magic Window from the Applications folder. We know this is somewhat confusing and apologize for the inconvenience.

You can find instructions for how to get a refund on your purchase here. If you purchased one version of Magic Window and decide you wanted another you can usually get a refund directly from Apple as long as it's within 90 days. We want you to be happy more than we want your money. If you're not satisfied please e-mail us at

System Screen Saver Plug-in

We now offer a system screen-saver plug-in that allows you to use macOS built-in screen-saver functionality including password locking and clock on screen saver. Please click the link below for download and setup instructions.

Setting up the Standard Screen Saver

The standard screen saver can be a bit tricky to setup. You must complete three steps: (1) Enabling the Magic Window Screen Saver, (2) Disabling the System Screen Saver, and (3) Making sure Energy Saver is set to activate at the right time.

Part 1: Enable Magic Window Screen Saver

  1. Open Magic Window preferences and select the Screen Saver tab.

  2. Slide the time slider to when you want the screen saver to activate.

  3. Test the Screen Saver by pressing the 'Test Screen Saver' button. This will momentarily activate the Screen Saver.

Part 2: Disable System Screen Saver

(1) Open System Preferences and select Desktop & Screen Saver (you can just press the 'Open Screen Saver..' button in Magic Window preferences as seen above)

Further, The working principle of the program is simple. Item lookup by serial number.

(2) Select the 'Screen Saver' tab

(3) Change 'Start After' to 'Never' (at the bottom of the window)

Part 3: Reduce Energy Saver

(1) In System Preferences select Energy Saver (you can also press 'Open Energy Saver..' in Magic Window preferences as seen above).

(2) Make sure that Energy Saver is set to sleep your display and computer AFTER the Magic Window screen saver is activated. For example if you activate Magic Window at 5 minutes and set Display Sleep to 30, you will get 25 minutes of Magic Window and then your display will go to sleep. Note that there are two different tabs for setting this option for when on Battery and when on the Power Adapter.

Magic Window Crashes / Incompatible Quicktime Components (OLD)

If you experience a crash when loading Magic Window it is likely due to QuickTime components that are installed on your computer and are not compatible with Mac OS X Lion and above. If you have old versions of Final Cut Pro or Perian installed odds are this is the problem.
If you are running Perian, disable it from the Perian panel in System Preferences. Perian is not compatible with Mac OS X Lion and above.
To remove incompatible components, open the '/Library/QuickTime/' folder on your Mac and remove any of the following files if they exist:
XviD_Codec 1.0 alpha.component
If this does not fix your issue, please e-mail us at

Common Issues and Questions

The wallpaper doesn't seem to be moving..

Check the Window Menu and make sure the scene is not 'paused.' If you have Magic Window set to stop on low battery, the scene may have automatically paused for that reason. Also try changing scenes and playing full screen.

Magic Window wallpaper is intended to move slowly. Many scenes that lack clouds or other moving features may look like they are not moving, but watch and over time you will see it change. If you want to see the wallpaper change faster, try using a faster speed. Or view the scenes full screen or with the screen saver, which play them extra fast.

How do I choose different wallpapers for each monitor?

On the Window menu select 'Preferences..' and at the bottom of the Preferences page you will see a setting for multiple monitors. Change that setting to 'show a different' and you will be able to choose different scenes for each display with the scene browser. You will also then be able to choose different scenes for each from the Window menu as well.

Skyscraper 3d for mac free. About Skyscraper for Mac Skyscraper Simulator, also known as Skyscraper Sim, Skyscrapersim, Skyscraper 3D, or simply Skyscraper is a free and open-source 3D building simulator created by Ryan Thoryk, currently utilizing the OGRE graphics rendering engine, and formerly using Crystal Space. Skyscraper aims to be a fully-featured, modular, 3D realtime building simulator, powered by the Scalable Building Simulator (SBS) engine. The main feature SBS provides is a very robust elevator simulator, but also simulates general building features such as walls, floors, stairs, shaftwork and more. Skyscraper is a fully-featured, modular, 3D realtime building simulator, powered by the Scalable Building Simulator (SBS) engine. The main feature SBS provides is a very elaborate and realistic elevator simulator, but also simulates general building features such as walls, floors, stairs, shaftwork and more. Skyscraper open-source 3D building simulator Skyscraper aims to be a fully-featured, modular, 3D realtime building simulator, powered by the Scalable Building Simulator (SBS) engine. The main feature SBS provides is a very elaborate and realistic elevator simulator, but also simulates general building features such as walls, floors, stairs, shaftwork and more. Skyscraper is a search tool for finding images on the web. You may want to check out more Mac applications, such as Panorama Maker 5, CrossPix Magic or 3D Sketch and Stretch Studio, which might be similar to Skyscraper.

Can I delete scenes I don't want?

Yes, you can delete scenes by selecting the scene you want to delete in the Scene Browser and pressing the 'Delete' button at the bottom of the Scene Browser window. This will delete the download, but the scene will still remain in the list so you can download it again later. If you want to hide scenes that haven't been downloaded, press the gear button at the top of the Scene Browser and select 'Show Only Downloaded Scenes.'

How do I prevent Magic Window from slowing down my computer?

Try changing the speed to NORMAL or SLOW. At normal speeds on an average Mac with a single monitor Magic Window uses less than 10% CPU, which is the same as what iTunes uses while playing music. However if you have multiple monitors and use the fastest speed it may use up to 30% CPU, which will slow down older computers.

If speed is set to SLOW or SLOWEST Magic Window will use very little CPU. On the slowest setting it uses less than 1%. If you continue to experience performance issues on normal or fast speeds, try the slower speeds. Either one should have no impact on performance even on the oldest Macintosh computers.

Why doesn't Magic Window work as a system screensaver?

The rules of the Mac App Store do not allow apps to install system screensavers. Because of this we can not offer a system screensaver as part of the app itself. If the rules change we will offer a system screensaver.

Why is the screensaver faster than the fastest wallpaper speed?

The screensaver plays at a super-fast speed that requires almost 20% CPU. Because this amount of CPU can interfere with your usage of other applications, we don't allow this speed to be used for wallpaper. The fastest speed for the wallpaper is about 20% slower than the speed of the screensaver.

Why do I have to download scenes?

Magic Window scenes are very large. The total size of all of the scenes available through the app is 4.1GB. This is a lot of storage, and we'd hate to take up all that space on your computer with scenes you don't want. Using downloads allows you to keep only the scenes you want and minimize the apps use of disk space. It also allows us to bring you more and more scenes over time without taking up more and more space.