Download Outlook For Mac


1) Log into the Control Panel. 2) Click on Downloads, located in the Organization section under Tasks. 3) Select the. Outlook for Mac Set up your account You can use Outlook as soon as you enter your account info. On the ribbon, click the Tools tab, and then click Accounts. Sign in with your preferred email address, or use the account information provided by your organization or school. Organize mail with rules.


This article describes some useful tools for Microsoft Outlook for Mac.

More information

Outlook Search Repair

Download outlook for mac mojave

The Outlook Search Repair tool repairs search results within Outlook.


Due to some changes in macOS Mojave, this tool no longer works in 10.14 and higher. If you are on macOS Mojave (10.14), you can follow the steps below to reindex Spotlight for Outlook for Mac.

  1. Choose Apple menu, then System Preferences, and then Spotlight.

  2. Select the Privacy tab.

  3. In Finder:

    1. On the Go menu, select Go to Folder..

    2. Copy and paste the following location into the 'Go to the folder:' dialog box and select Go:

      ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/

  4. Drag the 'Main Profile' folder to the Privacy tab. Once added, remove the folder, and Spotlight will re-index the folder.

    You must perform this step for any additional profile folders you have.

See the following article from Apple to learn more: How to rebuild the Spotlight index on your Mac.

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When to use the tool

Use this tool if search results within Outlook show nothing or return older items only. For example, if you search for an email message that you already have open and that message isn't displayed in the search results.

How to use the tool

  1. Download and open the Outlook Search Repair tool.

  2. Follow the instructions.

    Note The tool searches for duplicate installations of Outlook. If no duplicates are detected, go to step 3. If duplicates are detected, remove the duplicate Outlook installations, and then restart the system. After your system is restarted, the Outlook Search Repair tool may reopen. If it does reopen, exit and restart the tool.

  3. Select Reindex.

    Note The Outlook Search Repair tool displays a 'Reindexing, please wait' message while it works. Wait for this process to finish. This may require an hour or more, depending on the size of your Outlook profile. Outlook doesn't have to be open when the repair occurs. A spotlight search will be slower and may not finish while the index is being repaired.

  4. Exit the Outlook Search Repair tool when you receive the following message after the repair is completed:

    Done! Reindexing has completed!


The Outlook Reset Preferences tool resets all Outlook preferences to their default settings.

When to use the tool

Use this tool to reset any customizations that you've made to Outlook by using the Preferences option on the Outlook menu. This tool also stores the settings for the Outlook window size and position. This tool shouldn't be needed most of the time. But it can be useful.

Note The Outlook Preferences file doesn't contain all the preferences for the application. Also, resetting Outlook preferences doesn't remove email messages or account settings.

How to use the tool

  1. Download and open the Outlook Reset Preferences tool.
  2. Click the Reset Now! button. This closes Outlook if it's open, and then resets the preferences to their default settings.
  3. Exit the Outlook Reset Preferences tool.


The Default Mail Application tool lets you easily make Outlook the default mail application.

When to use the tool

Use this tool if you want Outlook to open a new email message when you click a mailto: link in an email message or on a website. Selecting a mailto: link opens the default email application. Outlook isn't the default email application until you change that setting.

How to use the tool

  1. Download and open the Default Mail Application tool.
  2. In the Default Mail Application dialog box, select, and then click Make Default.
  3. Exit the Default Mail Application tool.


The Reset Recent Addresses tool lets you reset recent addresses that Outlook stores. This tool deletes all recent addresses instead of you having to manually delete addresses one at a time.

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When to use the tool

When you compose an email message and add people on the To, Cc, or Bcc line, Outlook suggests names as you type characters. The list of names that Outlook uses is a combination of stored contacts, the company directory, and recent contacts. Recent contacts have an 'X' character next to each name. Without this tool, you have to click the 'X' on each contact to remove that contact from the Recent Address List. The Reset Recent Addresses tool cleans out all recent addresses at the same time.

How to use the tool

  1. Download and open the ResetRecentAddresses tool.
  2. Click the Reset Now! button.
  3. Exit the Reset Outlook Recent Addresses tool.